Tuesday, April 6, 2010

La Caida

As many of you already know, I had a pretty nice spill the other day. I wish I had a fantastic story to go behind the fall, but all I can say is that I was chasing a frisbee and suddenly I went straight down (rather clumsily) onto the concrete. It didn't really hurt that much, but I got some great scrapes (they look quite pithy in the photo, but they had some great puss coming out of them for a while.) The best part is that I scrapped up pretty nicely both sides of my left hand... I have no idea how I fell so that both sides of my hand bled, but I have talent.

I am all healed now, but just so you all know where my new scar on my left shoulder comes from, I thought I would put up a quick blog about it. You know, just want to keep you on the up and up about everything!


  1. Ouch. Glad you are ok. Can't wait to see the new scar in real life!
