Having Megan here has really been a blessing. If you don't know the story, we have basically been best friends since age 7, so we've got quite the shared history and a chemistry that doesn't leave room for boredom. One of my favorite pass times of Megan's here in Colombia is her habit of listing off all the blogs she is going to write once she finds time to sit down and do it (seeing she is super busy with things like going to the beach, reading, talking about her hot dance teacher, and finding new recipes to try... just kidding Mego!) But they always have fantastic titles. Here are some recent ones that I remember:
-La Hora de los Besos: This blog deals with how at 5:00 if you walk through the park near our hotel you will find yourself surrounded by young couples making out and Megan found herself asking where her latin lover was.
-Los Viajes de una Langosta: Translated this means The Trips of a Lobster. Basically Megan was really burnt for a while. I would say she was more of an eggplant than a lobster since she was so burnt she turned almost purple.
-Come to Colombia and Lose your Clothes: This could have many different interpretations, but it really is about laundry. Megan actually did write this blog. If you want to check it out here is her site: http://allthingscolombia.blogspot.com/2010/03/ven-colombia-y-pierde-tu-ropa.html
-La Sonrisa de Not Understanding: This blog would deal with the smile that someone learning a foreign language learns to wear always, even when they have no clue what is going one. Nod and smile, nod and smile. It definitely has gotten me through some uncomfortable conversations.
-Las Galletas y la Leche: A blog about our eating habits. Meg and I have an obsession with graham crackers and milk. We eat them all the time. It is delicious. Try it.
Megan's blog is super entertaining really. So you should check it out:
She is telling me about her next entry and it should be really good. Keep an eye out for it.
Also, if you are interested in making bread... check out her dad's blog:
Really great bread. We make it in Colombia in our toaster oven.
Peace! ~Lani (and Meg)

Hi Lani and Megan! The best part is, I can see Megan saying all of these titles. Love you both!