So I am pretty sure I mentioned before that I bought an oven to pursue my baking dreams. I just wanted to update on how fantastic life with an oven is. Mind you, it is a toaster oven, but it is just a treat to have.
We bake many things in the oven (as well as other people in the hotel since it is common knowledge that we have one and it is often out on loan.) Megan has become an expert experimenter with her bread (, while I have perfected a brownie recipe, now available with Peanut Butter, arequipe (like caramel), or coffee flavor. I have also collected a little gang of helpers (who even fight over who will wash the dishes!) Basically the oven (and anything that comes out of it) is a big hit here, and it makes me super happy to have this simple pleasure in my life here.

Megan's bread

The Brownies

Pedro, David, and Theo breaking eggs.
P.S. Not everything that comes out of the oven is a masterpiece. The other day Meg and I tried to make a cucumber bread that was just nasty. After trying to convince ourselves it was delicious by covering it up with loads of peanut butter, we deemed it inedible and ended up throwing half of it away. All a part of the learning process. Successful items include: pumpkin bread, poppyseed bread, muffins of all flavors, cheesecake, toasted sandwiches pizza, raspberry bread, banana bread, chocolate cake, granola, etc.
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