Wednesday, March 17, 2010

El Mango

Since my last entry on public transportation I have really begun to take mototaxis a lot more, against the advice I receive from pretty much anyone I talk to here. I don't know why but I just love the thrill and the breeze. Plus, when you are running late, you can always count on a mototaxi to get you somewhere quickly.

(Erin on a mototaxi)

Well, almost always. The other day was one of those days when I was running late and had to get to class quickly. I decided to hop on a mototaxi, and like always, I looked for the kindest face amongst the throng of mototaxistas calling for customers. I choose a round-faced man, waving his extra helmet at me with a big smile. We negotiated our price and were on our way.

Usually the drivers like to talk to me, which makes me a little nervous because this usually involves them turning around to try and see me while navigating the crazy streets of Cartagena, but this guy decided to talk to me in English. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what he was saying; his English was not that good to say the least. So our conversation consisted of him talking in "English" and me making affirmative noises whenever he paused.

Somewhere along the way I must have responded in the positive to something about a mango, because as we passed the market, Bazurto, he slowed down and checked every stall for one. When he finally found one, he pulled over and bought me the mango. He handed me the gift proudly, and I accepted, fully confused, but grateful. Then we continued on our way.

When we finally arrived at the University (actually late because of our mango stop and how slow he was driving since he was distracted talking to me), he promised to bring me a watermelon later on in the day. I never received the watermelon, but I did eat the mango after class on the bus, making a huge mess. It was delicious.

Thanks mototaxi man!

1 comment:

  1. How fun- I am glad that you got a delicious mango!

    And Erin looks like she is having a blast on the mototaxi! Hi Erin!
