My time exploring, learning, and teaching in Colombia's most beautiful Carribbean city: Cartagena.
So, unexpectedly I have found myself back in the USA for a few weeks. It is nice to be back with my family and friends here (and also to eat Chipotle), but it is definitely bittersweet. My best friend's mom, Jenny Wilder, passed away on November 13, 2009 at 5:00 pm. A service was held in her honor at the arboretum last Tuesday. It was beautiful and I am really glad I was able to make it back in time. Please keep the Wilder family and friends in your prayers.
Jenny died of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), a rare and aggressive form of Breast Cancer. If you are interested in donating to the "Jennifer Wilder IBC Awareness Fund," you can donate online at www.minneapolisfoundation.org/Giving/DonateNow. You can type in the name and the fund will show up.
I will be home until December 8th, so if you are also in Minnesota, feel free to give me a call and I would love to get together with you!
Megan, Jenny, Lani, Donna, Jane, Emily
I love you and miss you Jenny.
First we had to go up this really sketchy stairway...
Here he is with the finished product.
Wilson is a pretty funny guy. He is 16, in his second semester at the university, and studies history. He is super passionate about learning English, and fairly good at it, which is why I was so surprised when he told me he had taught himself all he knows. Sometimes, I have no idea what he is saying, but often he has no idea what I am saying in Spanish, so we end up just staring at each other or laughing.
Last weekend, Wilson took me to the beach with his friends. The beaches here are so beautiful, but splashing in the waves with 16 year old boys can get a bit awkward, especially when they are scared of you. I did get the chance to teach them the difference between beach and b****, a pronunciation problem I have encountered in all of my Latin American travels. Wilson also took me to the Inquisition Museum where we played around with different torture instruments as well as a guillotine and a hangman's noose. We also found this cannon.
Most importantly, Wilson loves my glasses. And I must say, he looks pretty good in them too!
(This is my front door... not like I have a back door or anything.)