So, this is the most random thing ever: last night I went to the Russian Circus on Ice in Cartagena, Colombia. That's right: Russian in Colombia; ice in the heat. It was so bizarre and I need to share it with everyone.
I went with my hotel family Marbyn, Sebastian, Manon, Anita, Pablo, and el Mono.

The opening number consisted of very stereotypical Russians skating on this tiny rink under a tent.
Then this girl came out and did some sweet tricks on this flying hoop. She was still wearing ice skates.
Then the magician came out (on skates remember!) and performed a few magic tricks, including cutting this woman into ten pieces.

Suddenly, we were watching a production of Tarzan on ice. Fascinating. They showed the
beginning scene where a gorilla gets killed by a hunter. Then all the gorillas lined up together and skated to K
umbaya. Bizarre, I tell you.
The final act in the Tarzan episode involved Tarzan and Jane swinging around above the rink. I was sure someone was going to get cut by a flying blade. But, the show remained bloodless.

There were clowns of course. They were pretty funny...

...a very strange
episode of the
Flintstones and the Grim Reaper...

...and a juggler, which was the best act of all.

The finale was not lacking in scantly clad women.
It was a bonding experience for me with my Colombia friends. I had my French friend, Manon, on one side of me and we were snickering the whole time, and on my other side was Marbyn, who that the whole thing was the coolest show she had seen in her life. I laughed a lot, that's for sure. And I just had to share this experience with others. I wish you could have been there!